Singles for Christ


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After almost 6 long months of intense preparations, planning, and prayers, the Christian Life Program finally pushed through!

It started last February 27 at the St. Mary Magdalene Parochial School in Amadeo.  Having only 4 participants – Lynell, Cindy, MJ, Ivy, the team is very happy to serve God again.  But it wasn’t a bad start and the team’s viewing a better perspective.


Thanks to the brave and bold move of the Accessible (adj c/o POCA) Chapter Heads Tito A and Tita A that truly paid off knowing that they only have persistent “Soldiers” including themselves at hand.

It was very satisfactory that other “Soldiers” were as eagerly willing to serve God that day!

Rhia was at the registration, while Renz ran errands including the food.  The so-callled Chipmunks – Uncle and Vinci did their thing with the guitars.


Greatly indeed, the beautiful soon-to-be-wed, Vince and Aubrey, were the speakers that day.

It’s very amazing how they allowed God touched their hearts with just days before that Sunday, they grabbed the opportunity to let God use them for His lovely purpose.

Back to Basics

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After tireless two-4 hour (almost) session of mental exercise, our group of a powerhouse cast of creative and resourceful sfcs (naks! all sfc’s are creative and resourceful naman), decided to go back to the basics.

In every team, i believe, may it be in the sports, or in the corporate world, do need to look back at the starting line.

In our case, prayer and household!

Hmmm, gotta make it more interesting!!!

Just “come and see”, cause i can smell something’s cooking!!!

Feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help

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It was again an afternoon full of fun, new found friendships, brainstormings, worship, singing, praying and a whole lot more! All for the glory of Him!

We’re all happy to see new faces joining the household meeting and sharing their ideas on how we can improve our service. We are learning a lot from you! Let’s all BRING THE FIRE BACK!

What else happened? Let the pictures do the talking…. 🙂

Oooops…one more second, you might want to listen to one of the songs we sang before the meeting while viewing the photos. 🙂

We’re hoping that in the coming days the photos will be crowded with faces from our members.