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Praise God for a beautiful Sunday morning, our household with the cadets finally pushed through! Being one of the keys in molding another key in unleashing new breed of future law enforcers and public officials is such a great and wonderful opportunity. PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens) natin yan mga bros and sisses na magtuloy-tuloy ang service sa PNPA!

They are men and women in uniform, but it does’t make them stiff and numb. They also longed to be visited, to be heard, to share their story, and of course to share laughter.

Most of my group are YFC members, and some are choir members. So household prayer isn’t new for them. They prayed sincerely and shared dearly. “Nothing is impossible with God… What you give is what you get. So give out love instead of retaliation, and love will be given back to you… Anger management helped me (to control my temper and) not to retaliate on my upper (class). Kung namuhi ako sa upper ko, ayoko namang mangyari din sa akin yun (na mamuhi sa akin ang lower ko).”

Japan Pose
Japan Pose


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Twas an evening everyone was excited about. Finally, after quite awhile we’ll have an evening of praises, learning, and sharing with our dear brethren in PNPA. I personally wasn’t expecting much, I was just there to assist our very diligent Tito Rudy, but much to my delight we were ten passionate SFC’s, including all-the-timer Sis Bennie! Wow!!! I’ll leave to your imagination how we fit inside Tito’s ride, hahaha!

But before that, we all met at Rob Pala-pala. Tito, Sis Bennie, Nino, Donna, Melai, and Dom went ahead to prepare for the Household. While Paul and Ken decided to wait for Ian and catch up. After 43 minutes, we arrived safely at the PNPA Grounds… And there we were informed that the Director ordered the Cadets to prioritize their Buwan ng Wika program. In short, hindi kami nakapag-household kasi hindi available ang mga kadete.

The scenario isn’t new for us. It does happened, sometimes. Well it does hurt, a little. Oo, masakit sa bulsa yung pupuntahan na malayo tapos hindi mo nagawa ang dapat gawin. We went to that place quite far from where we live. But we love the Lord, and we love our brethren. And still we all are willing to go back and to share the Lord’s love…even if it hurts.

The most important thing we had that evening was showing the proper attitude. We were all smiling, and sharing thoughts, and laughing…and we were rewarded a hearty dinner. Thanks to our generous Tito Rudy.


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The chapter is very thankful to everyone who have supported the CLP – to all the speakers who were channels of God’s living word; to all the music ministry who passionately shared their talents God selflessly lent them.

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As part of the Christmas Party exchange gift, Sis Celle, Sis Joy, and Bro Arbee proudly wears the shirt each had received.  It is one of the chapter’s tradition to give something you own – a shirt, or a book, etc.

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Everyone is grateful, not just because to the gifts received, but because the love of God have reached other single men and women.  And the most important of all is the friendship we all shared.


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Congratulation to the three of them – Bro Poy, Sis Den, Bro Wen – who duly finished the whole CLP! Praise also the Holy Trinity who have touched their lives and continues to guide them.


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“I will baptize you with water, for repentance, but the one who is coming after me is mightier than I.  I am not worthy to carry his sandals.  He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” – Mt. 3:11.

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In every CLP, Talk 9 or the Baptism is one of the much-awaited session.  This is the session where the facilitators pray-over the participants for the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  God is the only baptizer and He uses the facilitators as His channel for the Holy Spirit to flow.

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Sis Celle and Sis Joy pray-over Denise for the Holy Spirit to come over her.

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Bro Arbee and Bro Ninz pray-over Wen and Poy, healing for pains in the past, asking for the gifts wanted, and lifting up other endeavors.

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The participants each write a letter to God as they continue praying and acknowledging the His great love as Sis Kathy serves as the prayer warrior.


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Bro Adze leading the Baptism talk prepares the participants into a reflection prior to the pray-over session.

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Indeed, Christ in them continues to manifest as Sis Me-ann, Sis Aubrey, and Sis Janet sing the reflection song.

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The  participants, Denise, Popoy, and Wen internalizing the talk, reflecting, and praying for the gifts they would be receiving.


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As the worship song goes based on Mt. 3:3, also the Gospel for that day, Tag-Ama Chapter prepares the way for the Holy Spirit to gush forth.

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A loving reminder of how the pray-over session should flow is being discussed while Bro Adze continues to deliver the CLP Talk 9 proper.

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The chapter prays over Bro Arbee to relearn and not to forget how the session is done correctly.


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Sis Karen of Trece-Indang Chapter is very passionate and enthusiastic in sharing her life and how the Holy Spirit works through her. Indeed, it is the working of the Holy Spirit that brings her to Tag-Ama Chapter to faithfully deliver the CLP Talk 8.


Another equally passionate in stretching out a helping hand is a brother from Dasma.  Bro Jeff is very eager to share his God-given talent by playing beautifully the guitar all for the Lord’s glory.


True to her words and very faithful to that of God’s, Sis Karen praying over the participants as she ends her talk.


Sis Celle this time, sharing the life in the Holy Spirit to Denise.  The Holy Spirit continues working through both of them as they never cease to attend each session.


Now, it’s the brothers who are in the limelight.  Bro Arbee, the newest member of the Chapter, catapulting his way being the facilitator as the Holy Spirit comes to him.


The Chapter also never failing to have a so-called “class/family picture” taken every end of each session. and this time, they are taking it to another level by reviving the 10-shot series.


They are a bit timid in the first photograph, but they are getting used in striking poses as the photo shoot progresses…




Seems that the Holy Spirit really is working through the Chapter as they know what pose and when to strike it.  In addition, another Bro Jeff (with the grey sweater) joins the group. He is very glad to finally meet them. He is from around the area, but is a member of SFC Lian, Batangas, for it is his GG (God’s Gift, community’s term for Girlfriend/Boyfriend) who invited him to join the CLP.


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One-to-one discussion happens at least twice during the whole CLP duration. It is a great feeling to have a brethren willing and eager to hear the deepest – and sometimes, the most hidden – stories about our oneself.

ONE-TO-ONE.Sis Joy lovingly advises Denise.

cfcsfctagama-12Sis Kathy attentively listens to Claris’ story.



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An intimate moment captured by Sis Kathy through a different angle. The sisters sharing their view of a Christian family in a group discussion headed by Sis Joy.