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It is an extraordinary Sunday afternoon outside the walls of Ina ng Laging Saklolo (INLS) Parish Hall that Tag-Ama Chapter literally takes the extra mile of reaching out to other single men and women of San Jose Balay Alima in Brgy Carasuchi, Indang, Cavite.

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Happy to see again (from the farthest) Tita Jenny, Lola Nelly, and Tita Greta. Now Lola Tonying (partially hidden), Lola Pilar (looking at the cam), and Lola Bago join them.

“Honour thy mother and thy father” is the fourth of the Ten Commandments, Sirach 3 tells us about our responsibilities to our parents, and an advocacy of caring for our elderly needs attention.  Taking care of our elders, generations apart, is indeed a selfless love.

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Ms. Joanne, heads the group that patiently takes care of the lolas and lolo.

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The foundation is devoted in catering the needs of individuals – not just those who are advanced in age – cast aside.   Not at all they propose families to dwell their seniors in this shelter.  But promotes constant care, and faithful attention which are essential in building unconditional love for them.


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The rest of the chapter assisting the beneficiaries of Balay Alima, patiently wait for the BINGO games to start.

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Sisters Me-ann and Aubrey, assisting Lola Emily and Lola Cory, respectively.

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Our Lord blesses both of them with radiant beauty, and winning hands!  Yes!  Me-ann and Lola Emily in the 1st game, while Aubrey and Lola Cora in the 2nd.

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Claris (in white, picture on left) and Lola Nelly share smiles as they eagerly await for each number.  While Popoy (in polo, right picture) looks on Tita Emie’s card.  Both members are still participants.

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Wen (also a participant, standing, picture on left) assists  Kuya Bogart.  While Sis Mona of Silang (with glasses, picture on right) helps Lolo Pat to check his card for winning numbers.

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Bro Deck (sitting, picture on left) maintains his composure while waiting for Lola’s numbers.  While Bro Lemuel(picture on right) learns how to pacify Lola Mary by helping her mark the cards.  Both brothers are also from Silang.

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Everyone delights at the BINGO games with various reactions and precious smiles that truly shows how grateful each is.

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Claris sharing a moment with Lola Nelly in their Chicken Dance.

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While Lola Jenny sings a Christmas song as Bro Jay of SFC Silang plays the guitar.

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In her appreciation of the chapter, Lola Pilar breaks into dance with Claris (partially hidden) and Lola Nelly (picture on left), and renders a song moments later (picture on right).


Lolo Pat expresses his gratitude for the whole chapter saying: “You are not here because of an activity, but because the Holy Spirit is working on you…”


Of course it isn’t just the lolas and lolo doing a “SAMPLE! SAMPLE! SAMPLE!”.  Sis Eunice, another equally mission-ready brethren from Silang chapter, singing her own rendition of the Beatles’ I Will.


Praising the God is better when we offer songs to Him.  Singing is twice praying.

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Always putting their heart on what they do all for the glory of God, our talented brethren from Silang chapter is more than willing to reach out as well by being the music ministry. God is more than pleased to hear their voices reaching up the heaven above.


Elderly people, who God channels His wisdom to the present generation, should not be ignored nor left out.  Instead they should be taken cared of properly, without any condition, as they raised us up by whoever and in whatever circumstances.  They are still our elders that deserves to be respected.

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Goodbye seems to be the hardest word as visiting time is up. The group is so glad and feels so blessed for another opportunity to be in Balay Alima.  The last time they were there was December 2010.  Truly each moment will be cherished forever.  And by God’s grace we shall meet again.


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As the creative CLP of Tag-Ama continues, the chapter took the extra mile, literally and metaphorically, and seek how to show our love for God, and love for our neighbor.

The Chapter was joined, this time, by the equally mission-ready brethren, SFC Silang Chapter.


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It was the second time for some of Tag-Ama to be in Balay Alima (formerly known as Bahay Kalinga). But for most, it was a blessed, first time experience being with the joyful lolas, lolo, and a brother.

The beloved participants – Claris,Popoy, Wen, Denden – all smiling as God filled the fathoms of their hearts with sweetness which truly is UNRIVALED.