
We’re Up To Something Much Bigger!

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Yet another very productive meeting! Ideas are again pouring and (should I still say this?) we had Fun… Fun… Fun! 🙂

Let some of the pictures show you what I’m trying to say.

SECRETS WILL BE REVEALVED SOON! If you can’t wait, you can attend the meeting next week. 🙂

Feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help

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It was again an afternoon full of fun, new found friendships, brainstormings, worship, singing, praying and a whole lot more! All for the glory of Him!

We’re all happy to see new faces joining the household meeting and sharing their ideas on how we can improve our service. We are learning a lot from you! Let’s all BRING THE FIRE BACK!

What else happened? Let the pictures do the talking…. 🙂

Oooops…one more second, you might want to listen to one of the songs we sang before the meeting while viewing the photos. 🙂

We’re hoping that in the coming days the photos will be crowded with faces from our members.

Bringing the Old Fire Back!

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This very fine Sunday afternoon marks a very significant day for our chapter.  We agreed on doing something (can’t tell you what it is yet) to make us proud as an SFC, especially here in our chapter.

We certainly felt God’s presence because of the overflowing ideas that He gave us. This will be a big challenge for all of us but with us working as a team.. with God giving us the strength that we need… nothing could go wrong. All glory by Yours!

Can’t wait to hear updates from the people above. 🙂 Come prepared on our next meeting!