Singles for Christ


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Everyone had a restful sleep the other night.  And everyone got freshened up for another fun-filled, exciting day with all the other delegates from different provinces together.  And of course, with our Lord!

Thank God, we’re on Day2 of the Palawan Island Conference. In every 2nd Day of our Conference we usually have classroom setup-Workshops to attend after the Opening Worship.

But this Conference, it was a different kind of Workshop for we did it out… I mean up into the mountains to plant Trees!!!

We climbed up a dump truck…

and rode it all the way to the site.

Everyone was very excited about the Tree Planting.

It was a roller coaster ride!  But everyone, I believe, enjoyed that awesome, one-of-a-kind ride!  And I can recall me saying: “The best ride in Palawan is the Dump Truck!“. =P

Thank God we arrived safe and sound at the site.  After the ups and downs aside from being lost, we were even more excited!

We started with a prayer, the proper thing to do.  To ask the guidance of our Heavenly Father for a safe activity.

Then we listened diligently to the instructions and introductions given to us.

Now our Chapter is very ready to do what we were told… that is to plant trees!!!

Here are the lovely couple Bro. Adze and Sis. Janet. =)

Sis. Joy proved that she can do more than programming.  Go, go, go! Sister! =D

Another equally lovely now married couple, Sis. Yeb and Bro. Vince preparing a hole for the tree to be planted. =)

Now Sis Kathy is shown here performing a “minor operation” which also proves she can do other things aside from being a Nurse.  Wonder if you’ll teach this also to your students. 😉

A Model/Nurse by profession, Sis Arnie, the official Explorer of our beloved Chapter, explores a different world. She performs a so-called “surgery” while striking a pose.  That’s how talented she is in this craft. =P

While me, I had a chance to have a break with the camera and planted a tree or two (did it sound kinda funny?).  This photo was taken by the Explorer.  Watta multi-tasker!!! =P

After the tiring but fulfilling event, yet we still enjoyed our moment on “The Best Ride In Palawan“!


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It was very overwhelming to be part of the Core Group representing Cavite province.  And it feels better to be serving with friends who are truly dear to me since I became an SFC.  After six wonderful, fruitful, and bountiful years, we are now at the Core of Cavite with an added plus of being present at the Regional Core Meeting and what a lovely place would it be than in our hometown, Tagaytay!!!

It was sunny bright that morning of July 30 as we all gathered at Poveda House of Prayer.  Brethrens from Mindoro, Batangas, Rizal, Laguna, and Quezon provinces also came in.

I felt kinda nervous and excited in what to happen that day as for it was my sorta first time to meet in a group SFC’s from other province.  On what I’ve thought would be an Weekend Retreat setup, it was a two-day long, almost non-stop meeting … and of course fun! =D

So we gathered up the session hall, started with a prayer and then proceeded with the meeting.  Tito Dict and his wife, Tita Babes presided it.

It was about the Expanded Vision of CFC-SFC.  Review of the Calendar of Activities such as the Island Conference in Palawan, Philippines; the Global Walk; Singles Engagement Retreat; Global Leaders Summit in Thailand; and ICon 2012 in Bohol, Philippines.

So Sis Arnie prepared herself and armed with a handy-dandy notebook, took some notes.

While I prepared myself to get warmed up with some Bagong Sulak while taking notes too.

After lunch, it rained.  Still we carried on with the meeting.

It was Bro Cesar who introduced the InfoSystem.

I enjoyed listening to the meeting while taking snap shots of my two very adorable and lovely sisters by my side –  Sis Kathy and Sis Arnie.

It was full of brainstorming and sharing of ideas that whole day.

In the evening we had the chance to bring out the child in us inspired by the Giraffee stuff toy of Sis Apple.  I wondered how Rhinos and Giraffes sound like? 😉

We also played our version of Pinoy Henyo.  And everyone had a break of laughter in each of the words being guessed.

 We also played the game Paint-Me-A-Picture, where we act what is asked in a given situation such as a Hold-Up in a Jeepney, Market Place and Delivery Room, which I opt not to upload the pictures but surely it will make you laugh. =P

We wrapped up the evening with the honoring of a brother, a Mission Volunteer(MV) from Quezon (sorry, I forgot the name).  It was his special day.  I just remembered him say: “Misyon muna bago relasyon.  Pero kung si Lord na nagbibigay, sino ako para tumanggi?

It was extra special for us,  the Cavite province, headed by our dear Provincial Couple Coordinator (PCC), Tito Dong and Tita Charrie Tacocong.  For we had our own meeting that very midnight.

I may not have the pictures but all I can share are the most sincerest quotes:

“Pag nag-start tayo maging OPEN, dun tayo nagiging CLOSE.” – Bro. Mon, MV Cavite.
“Pag magaling magreklamo, dapat magaling magdasal.” – Tito Dong, PCC
“Those who serves, deserves!” – Tito Dong, PCC
“Our faith is our privilege.” – Tito Dong, PCC
“Kung si Lord ang naglalagay sa kin sa posisyon, sino ako para tumanggi.” – Sis Kathy, PCG
“Look in different angles para makita ang beauty nang tinitingnan mo.” – Bro. Adze, PCG

We started the next day (Sunday) with a mass at Lourdes Church.  After which we continued with the meeting.


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Being part of this celebration is a milestone!  For 6 years, I’ve been a Singles for Christ (not to mention my days as a Youth for Christ).  And simultaneous to Couples for Christ Pearl Anniversary, I am also celebrating my 30th year.

We arrived at Luneta shortly before lunch.

And enjoyed some pictorials.

We are Super Fanatics sa Cam and posed some more in a heritage house.

And so the Anniversary celebration started with the arrival of our foreign delegates brethren.

Here are the delegates from Bangladesh.

The parade of flag representing the delegates from various countries as each family gathered together as one to witness this remarkable achievement to our Community.

Here came more of our brethren from foreign countries.

The parade continued to march as families continued to arrive.

Now to the local scene, with our brethren from the province of Quirino.

Delegates from the province of Nueva Vizcaya.

Delegates from Manila, Philippines.


Some last minute discussions before we lined up for the parade.

Now enters delegates from the proud province of Cavite!!!


Kuya Lino led the way.

More of Cavite delegates from East Sector (City of Dasmarinas).



More from Cavite now headed by our dear Provincial Core Group Heads – Sis. Apple and Bro. Mon.

Proud Caviteñoes waved the banner.


Here are the collection of snap shots gathered during our said event.

Two kids were strapped together by the belt (probably to avoid being lost) as their Father cautiously guide their way.

A Father gave a drink to His thirsty son.

Thank Him for picking up all those plastic bottles.


We had our hearty break after that parade.


We had quails’ egg and balot that afternoon.


















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We finally made it to the airport after months of finding a cheaper airfare, managing an ever-changing schedule, and an hour or so of packing our entire room in one bag.

(Photo by: YebVince)

We are all very excited to attend the Luzon Island Conference in Palawan.  As if it was just a day ago when we were talking about where were the Palawan delegates in Rizal ReCon and it might be kinda expensive if Palawan would be the venue for the next ReCon.  And thank God, the conference is now in Palawan!

Headed of course by our adorable, official Explorer, Sis Arnie.

Together with our very own Miss Earth Candidate, (that is she watched the Miss Earth coverage on TV) the very beautiful  Sis Kathy.

Our flight was somewhat delayed…

but still we enjoyed the flight…

(Photo by: Adze)

(Photo by: Adze)

and the venue from above is amazing…

(Photo by: YebVince)

though it was raining when we left Manila.

We were jumping for joy and fanatic with our cam…

(Photo by: YebVince)

as the “Bagong Sulak!” Crew were all busy covering each moment.


Indeed it was very gracious!  The mere fact that we are in Palawan for the first time is already God’s Grace.  And a BIG plus is that we are part of the Worship Chorale!!!

(Photo by: YebVince)

We prepared ourselves for God’s BIG Night.

And as the Conference opens, we were all happy to make it on time.

(Photo by: Pocabelle)

(Photo by: Pocabelle)

After the talk, the night was capped with Praisefest led by Bro. Jay.

 And here were Cavite’s Worship Chorale.  It truly was a shower of God’s Grace that night!

It was a night of singing praises to the Lord!

Delegates from other provinces in the island of Luzon also came in to be part of the Conference.

After the Praisefest, we enjoyed the rest of the night doing some pictorials! =D

Generally, we could say it was FUN being in the Conference!!! =D

Wait for the next related blog!!!


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A rainy Monday morning and a holiday, so we decided to have a household.  It was set kinda early, not the usual and still as usual, we kinda (ahem) not early, ^_^).

Though it was cold, we were warmly welcomed by Bro. Adze and the rest of his siblings plus the adorble, Rain – her niece.

We had a topic about a child, and a mother.  Mother’s busy doing some chores, while the child, as what the mother sees it, was making a mess.  But the child stated that he’s up to something big and useful.

As what the Gospel we’ve shared that day taken from the book of John.  As what it states that we come to Jesus like a child.  And as the sharing goes on, we had something in common.  As to see the things – tangible and intangible stuff – that happened to us in a more positive manner;  to look on what is useful rather than magnifying what is not useful; to use these building blocks at hand to achieve what we need.  Thus PUSH! 
 And as long as we have each other and pray for one another, with Jesus at the center of our Love and Life, all this are possible!  Thank you to our community, the CFC-Singles for Christ.


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The title might be contradicting but it’s true.  The CLP Dedication is just the beginning of our CFC-SFC life!

The Dedication Talk, Transformation in Christ, and the pray-over session led by Tito Ipe Santos together with his beautiful wife, Tita Ellen, the Chapter Heads of Silang.

Socialization, fun, bonding, and more laughter follows every end of Talks.

The Sweet Girls presented the ever popular “Tayo Nang Maligo” (is it really the title of that song and dance?) popularized by Bro. Vince.

Now it’s the Front Street Boys’ turn on the dance floor.  Obviously, it was Bro. Yves who choreographed the dance!

A mini Guitar Workshop followed after.

A Major Chord, D Major Chords were taught by Bro. Nino.

Bro. Mhar tried what Bro. Adze had taught, “Leaving on a Jet Plane“.

Since it was a Saturday, we also celebrated the Lord’s Day.

Tito Arnel and Tita Alie, our dear Chapter Heads, presided the activity. Shown here is the blessing of pan y vino.

Everyone participated.  Shown here singing, “The Light of Christ“.

And an activity will not be complete without a feast!

Bro. Adze was very happy that day with our all-time favorite Giniling with Egg (or was it the other way around) abundantly served.

Birthday girl, Sis. Kathy, sliced and shared her blessings.  Very thankful for another year (shhh! i will not reveal her age).  But she looks a year younger, haha! =)



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As the Christian Life Program nears its Dedication.  It was the Team Leaders’ time to deliver the talks.

Sis. Kathy Panganiban, “illustrated” the five (5) tools necessary for spiritual growth: prayer, study, service, fellowship, and sacraments.

She used a wheel to clearly picture out the Christian life:  the outer rim, the hub, and the spokes.

She stated that our Bible could stand for an acronym – B.I.B.L.E.


She then added a message somewhat similar to those of medicine bottle:

WARNING!!! BIBLE Usage Can Be Habit Forming Regular Reading
Can cause LOSS OF ANXIETY & FEAR ; decreased appetite for lying, cheating, stealing, hating, anger and envy.

And true to her words, by faith and works,  this light-hearted sister in Christ who passionately, and joyfully serving God since 2003 continually grows in Spirit.

Just quoting a phrase from an event she once became an emcee, “Dahil winner ka, Congratulations!”

Sis. Bhong shared how’d she prayed, did novena, and went to Manaoag in preparation for her LET.  But it turned out the opposite.

But the flame of faith was not extinguish in fact it grew into a fire of Spirit from Youth for Christ (YFC) to Singles for Christ (SFC).  And eventually she passed on her second try and became a teacher!

Congratulations Sis. Bhong!  We’re all proud of you for being a good person and a good sister in Christ.


Bro. Nino Ramos, on the other hand, delivered the Life and Mission of CFC-Singles for Christ.  Actually it went kinda “prelude” of that day’s talks but everything went well. =D

Wow!  I can’t imagine how’d the community grew from 40 – 60,000 singles, and they didn’t even had iPhones and FB way back in 1993 to 1998.  And now I can imagine how much the community will grow and fulfilling the mission that “Every single men and women experiencing Christ!”

SFC doesn’t end at CLP.  There are also conferences and other assemblies where SFC’s get spiritual nourishment, a chance to meet other SFC’s from other places, develop God-given talents, and explore the beauty of God’s majestic sceneries.

But the most important of all the gatherings is the household.  It is where SFC’s develop real friendship, and spiritual growth at the same time enjoying the fullness of life with Christ!

Tita Alie shared how she grew in the Community of Couples for Christ.  Being a member of SFC with her brother-husband, Tito Arnel, where they also became service team members.

Bro. Adze on the otherhand, gladly shared that his family –  his sister Arah, an SFC member; and his loving parents, are members of CFC.  He too serves SFC actively!

We’re equally proud of you Tita and Bro. Adze!  Thank you for being a member of our Community.


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This happened August of 2010.  Our chapter, Tagaytay-Amadeo, was assigned as the Program Committee for this event. This set-up is originally designed as a Chapter activity.  But due to some circumstances, we were “pushed” to push-through this activity in the Cluster set-up.  It is just today that I made a blog for it.  Here it goes…

Last August 29 we had celebrated,
Crunchy, Tasty, and Exciting as rated
An afternoon filled with fellowship, lotsa fun
Laughter, learning, bonding – this is how it began…

We had weekly meetings in preparation for the that “something BIG”,

singing praises to our Lord,

and writting proposals.

Ideas started to bloom.

And the star in us were all happily smiling that finally what we’ve prepared will be put in reality.

So we keep on reading, searching for additional answers,

looking at the window of opportunity…

Until thick dark clouds came,

as if all our cards are in,

funds maybe a bit short,

and we’re running out of time.

But still, we keep on smiling!

After all life is a two-way street,

we all have a slice of our share,

and had a shift, and allow God to take control.

“Man doesn’t live in bread alone”,

so we went back to the Ultimate Source,

that’s the key to success!

And that’s how He set the table of…

SFC Life!


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‎”We have felt embraced tightly by the Lord last night through our Tongues Workshop!  Praise God for using our Bro and Tito Cernan Fuellas as His instrument of grace and healing!  We lost tracked of the the time, we started at 4pm and ended past 7pm.  It was indeed an awesome experience with our God!!!” – SFC Amadeo Tagaytay

Indeed it was an unexplainable feeling during the Tongues Workshop a night prior to Baptism!  With the warmest, coolest hug yet the doors were closed.  With the air blowing through the mouth, hands remained open during the duration, and the feet felt like it weren’t stepping on a cement floor.  Everyone was very happy, relieved, and some even filled their eyes with joyous tears.


Preparing for the Session Hall for the Pray-Over Session.

Sis. Dhen for prepared the songs sheets!  Sis. Arnie made the last minute tuning of the guitar.

Sis. Mhay led the teaching of songs with Bro. Red, Bro. Vince, and Sis. Bhong.

Bro Adze wrote some more of the ideas inspired by the Holy Spirit.

We even had time to relax and brought out that child in our hearts.


So the participants, Bro Mhar and Bro Yves came.  They listened intently on the talk.  Though they are two, but still these two souls heed God’s call.

It started with a mini talk about the vocal prayer.  ACTS- Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, Supplication.  Why do we Praise God and How to Praise God were also discussed.  And the best way we, CFC-SFC, praise God is through singing, clapping of hands, and raising of hands.

The sisters took turns as Prayer Warriors during the talk.

It increased the teams protection against the enemy.  Thus putting on the Full Armor of God towards Victory.


Bro. Adze Caraan delivered the Baptism talk.  Indeed he was very excited and happy to for it.  He even shared how blessed is he that God allowed him to give the talk though he’s kinda lay low a few months ago.
“Ang laki ng tiwala sa akin ni Lord.  Pagbalik ko, mabigat na talk pa ang ibinigay.  Kaya sobrang touched ako kahapon (during the Tongues Workshop).”

Bro Vince Panganiban led the Pray-Over session for the two participants – Bro. Yves Dulce and Bro. Mhar Tolentino.

Since there were no female participants,  the sisters prayed over for each other as a renewal of our Baptism back when we were still participants.

We joyfully shouted all our praises to God and sang Him beautiful songs.

Bro. Adze led the praisefest and Bros. Vince, Red, and Nino were part of the Music Ministry.

Bro. Vince shared about how overwhelming it was.  With he getting married more than a month from now, God is assuring him of His promise.  Thank you Bro. Vince for leading the Pray-Over!

For Bro. Ered, it was his first time to be part of the Pray-Over.  It was a great opportunity for him to grow in service.  Thank you Bro. Ered!

“It was an amazing feeling.  I feel relieved!”, Bro. Yves shared.  “I feel blessed and renewed my Christianity!  It is something new for me, something that I don’t usually do.  Thank you! (giving a hand shake to Vince, Red, and Nino)”, Bro. Mhar shared.
Thank you guys for heeding God’s call.


It was not the usual Giling with Egg (c) meal that our Chapter happily digs in during this event.  But still it was delicioso!

Thank you for the BIG support and guidance dear, beloved Chapter Heads, Tito Arnel, Tita Alie and kids.

Thank you sisters, Bhong, Kathleen, Arnie, Madelle, Jenny, Mhay for being part of the Music Min, Pray-Over and Prayer Warrior.

Thank you Bro. Adze for the talk.  Indeed the Holy Spirit worked through you.  Thank also Ate Alpha for the cameo.
Thank you Sis. Dhen for the songs sheets.

Thank you Sis. Kathy and Bro. Nino for the leadership and motivating the whole team.  Thank you Arnie for all the efforts a Facilitator does.

Most of all, all Praises to our Lord Jesus Christ.  This victory is His!


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The talk that afternoon is about the Christian Family.  And perfect example is no less than our beloved Chapter Heads, Tito Arnel and Tita Alie Reyes with kids, Dadec and EK.


Romans 12:2, “Don’t let yourself be shaped by the world where you live, but rather be transformed through the renewal of your mind .  You must discern the will of God: what is good, what pleases, what is perfect.”

I was very strucked with the way Bro. Jojo Bitanga delivered his Talk, The Christian Family.  It was the second time I heard it and yet it never fails to touch me by the heart and shed a little tear.

I am not the sharer that time but allow me to share you this.

I live with my mother and there were times that it’s very difficult for me – conflicts over what we prefer.  I am 29 years old.  I just don’t have enough money but I am capable of making my own decisions.  I feel upset with myself that I cannot share part of what I have –  paying the monthly bills, buying things needed at home, taking her to the mall to shop and to dine –  things that a woman like my mom truly deserves.

What hurts me more is that I felt I am very obliged to stay with her – doing chores, running errands, etc.  I felt that I don’t have enough time with myself – to earn a living, and to court my future wife.

There were times that we argue.  I’m not getting any younger and so is my mom – she’s taking medications for her hypertension, her shoulders are aching.  There used to be time that I would like to runaway from this but I felt guilty.  Maybe this is just a part of my purpose that I should do lovingly.

And like what is mentioned in Sirach 3:3, “Whoever honors his father atones for sins; he who gives glory to his mother prepares a treasure for himself.”

Sis. Maden deLeon was the sharer that afternoon.


Another brethren from Gen. Mariano Alvarez and a true GMA (God’s-Mission-in-Amadeo) Talent, Sis. Melody Plaza gave the Gifts of the Holy Spirit talk.

Despite of her very busy work schedule as she shared, I believe it was God’s Discernment that brought her in Amadeo, and it was God’s Wisdom working on her as she boldly delivered the talk though it’s her first time to delivered Talk 8.

I like the activity she did with the clear glass of water being poured with soy sauce that signify us being a sinner.

But it is only through God that we are cleansed again.  In this picture, shows Sis. Melot pouring a glass of water to wash out the soy sauce.

The other gifts of the Holy Spirit are, Faith, Healing, Miracle, Knowledge, Gifts of Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, and the Gift of Prophecy.

Sis. Joy Rimando shared that afternoon about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.