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It was very overwhelming to be part of the Core Group representing Cavite province.  And it feels better to be serving with friends who are truly dear to me since I became an SFC.  After six wonderful, fruitful, and bountiful years, we are now at the Core of Cavite with an added plus of being present at the Regional Core Meeting and what a lovely place would it be than in our hometown, Tagaytay!!!

It was sunny bright that morning of July 30 as we all gathered at Poveda House of Prayer.  Brethrens from Mindoro, Batangas, Rizal, Laguna, and Quezon provinces also came in.

I felt kinda nervous and excited in what to happen that day as for it was my sorta first time to meet in a group SFC’s from other province.  On what I’ve thought would be an Weekend Retreat setup, it was a two-day long, almost non-stop meeting … and of course fun! =D

So we gathered up the session hall, started with a prayer and then proceeded with the meeting.  Tito Dict and his wife, Tita Babes presided it.

It was about the Expanded Vision of CFC-SFC.  Review of the Calendar of Activities such as the Island Conference in Palawan, Philippines; the Global Walk; Singles Engagement Retreat; Global Leaders Summit in Thailand; and ICon 2012 in Bohol, Philippines.

So Sis Arnie prepared herself and armed with a handy-dandy notebook, took some notes.

While I prepared myself to get warmed up with some Bagong Sulak while taking notes too.

After lunch, it rained.  Still we carried on with the meeting.

It was Bro Cesar who introduced the InfoSystem.

I enjoyed listening to the meeting while taking snap shots of my two very adorable and lovely sisters by my side –  Sis Kathy and Sis Arnie.

It was full of brainstorming and sharing of ideas that whole day.

In the evening we had the chance to bring out the child in us inspired by the Giraffee stuff toy of Sis Apple.  I wondered how Rhinos and Giraffes sound like? 😉

We also played our version of Pinoy Henyo.  And everyone had a break of laughter in each of the words being guessed.

 We also played the game Paint-Me-A-Picture, where we act what is asked in a given situation such as a Hold-Up in a Jeepney, Market Place and Delivery Room, which I opt not to upload the pictures but surely it will make you laugh. =P

We wrapped up the evening with the honoring of a brother, a Mission Volunteer(MV) from Quezon (sorry, I forgot the name).  It was his special day.  I just remembered him say: “Misyon muna bago relasyon.  Pero kung si Lord na nagbibigay, sino ako para tumanggi?

It was extra special for us,  the Cavite province, headed by our dear Provincial Couple Coordinator (PCC), Tito Dong and Tita Charrie Tacocong.  For we had our own meeting that very midnight.

I may not have the pictures but all I can share are the most sincerest quotes:

“Pag nag-start tayo maging OPEN, dun tayo nagiging CLOSE.” – Bro. Mon, MV Cavite.
“Pag magaling magreklamo, dapat magaling magdasal.” – Tito Dong, PCC
“Those who serves, deserves!” – Tito Dong, PCC
“Our faith is our privilege.” – Tito Dong, PCC
“Kung si Lord ang naglalagay sa kin sa posisyon, sino ako para tumanggi.” – Sis Kathy, PCG
“Look in different angles para makita ang beauty nang tinitingnan mo.” – Bro. Adze, PCG

We started the next day (Sunday) with a mass at Lourdes Church.  After which we continued with the meeting.


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A rainy Monday morning and a holiday, so we decided to have a household.  It was set kinda early, not the usual and still as usual, we kinda (ahem) not early, ^_^).

Though it was cold, we were warmly welcomed by Bro. Adze and the rest of his siblings plus the adorble, Rain – her niece.

We had a topic about a child, and a mother.  Mother’s busy doing some chores, while the child, as what the mother sees it, was making a mess.  But the child stated that he’s up to something big and useful.

As what the Gospel we’ve shared that day taken from the book of John.  As what it states that we come to Jesus like a child.  And as the sharing goes on, we had something in common.  As to see the things – tangible and intangible stuff – that happened to us in a more positive manner;  to look on what is useful rather than magnifying what is not useful; to use these building blocks at hand to achieve what we need.  Thus PUSH! 
 And as long as we have each other and pray for one another, with Jesus at the center of our Love and Life, all this are possible!  Thank you to our community, the CFC-Singles for Christ.


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And so there we were.  After we skillfully formulated a probable tactic, the second attack came! This time there were more than 3 who were responsible for such action.

Don’t get confused!   B.O.M.B is an acronym which stands for Bring Old Members Back (old doesn’t refer to our age, hehe! :P).  Though it was sunny that time, we stormed through the homes of our beloved brethren.

Inspired by the talks from the CFC Pre-Pearl Anniv Gathering we’ve heard that Saturday, Bro. Adrian, Sis. Kathy, and I took action at once.

It was Sis. Dhen’s home we came in first.  She’s kinda busy that time, but still she managed to talk with us.

We also went to Bro. Ian’s place.  His fiance, Sis. Istine was also there that time. Also, Tita Alie and Tito Arnel arrived.

We then went to Bro. Guian, Bro. Dodie, Bro. Lester and Sis. Aa, and lastly to Bro. Tipot.  It was Tipot who went with us.

Then off we came to the Western part (nagpakanluran).  Bro. Biboy wasn’t there, neither was Sis. Ever.  Brother’s Xandro and Xerxes had vistors that time so we opt not to drop by.

Then finally, Bro. Sherwin was at home!  We invited him to Sis. Arnie’s birthday party but he wasn’t free that moment.

Off we went to the other brethrens – Bro.’s Ave, Ume, Olan, Renier, RJ and Rafa.  They weren’t there in the so-called “tambayan“.  Rafa’s at home but can’t come.  Still we continued to K. Arthur’s place but to no avail.  Until we came to this store and Kathy wanted to have something to eat.

Let's Have Something to Eat
Let's Have ZebZeb and LumpiaShanghai

It was Tipot, Ian and Istine who went with us to PPP – Poca Poniente-saavedra Party in Halang.


Birthday girl, Poca the Explorer aka Arnie was impatiently waiting for us that time, :p
Happy and thankful is she for being  _6 years of age (shhh:$, no revealing of age).

There we “Attacked!”.  It was an hearty party she shared with her friends.

We had a great day!  All were happy and full.

NAVY Brothers(l-r): Team Navy, Blue Navy (though the shirt isn't); Old Navy


SFC Tagaytay - Amadeo


Used to be Spaghetti
Used to be Lomi "Lungad" and Coffee Jelly





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This happened August of 2010.  Our chapter, Tagaytay-Amadeo, was assigned as the Program Committee for this event. This set-up is originally designed as a Chapter activity.  But due to some circumstances, we were “pushed” to push-through this activity in the Cluster set-up.  It is just today that I made a blog for it.  Here it goes…

Last August 29 we had celebrated,
Crunchy, Tasty, and Exciting as rated
An afternoon filled with fellowship, lotsa fun
Laughter, learning, bonding – this is how it began…

We had weekly meetings in preparation for the that “something BIG”,

singing praises to our Lord,

and writting proposals.

Ideas started to bloom.

And the star in us were all happily smiling that finally what we’ve prepared will be put in reality.

So we keep on reading, searching for additional answers,

looking at the window of opportunity…

Until thick dark clouds came,

as if all our cards are in,

funds maybe a bit short,

and we’re running out of time.

But still, we keep on smiling!

After all life is a two-way street,

we all have a slice of our share,

and had a shift, and allow God to take control.

“Man doesn’t live in bread alone”,

so we went back to the Ultimate Source,

that’s the key to success!

And that’s how He set the table of…

SFC Life!

Back to Basics

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After tireless two-4 hour (almost) session of mental exercise, our group of a powerhouse cast of creative and resourceful sfcs (naks! all sfc’s are creative and resourceful naman), decided to go back to the basics.

In every team, i believe, may it be in the sports, or in the corporate world, do need to look back at the starting line.

In our case, prayer and household!

Hmmm, gotta make it more interesting!!!

Just “come and see”, cause i can smell something’s cooking!!!