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Praise God for a beautiful Sunday morning, our household with the cadets finally pushed through! Being one of the keys in molding another key in unleashing new breed of future law enforcers and public officials is such a great and wonderful opportunity. PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens) natin yan mga bros and sisses na magtuloy-tuloy ang service sa PNPA!

They are men and women in uniform, but it does’t make them stiff and numb. They also longed to be visited, to be heard, to share their story, and of course to share laughter.

Most of my group are YFC members, and some are choir members. So household prayer isn’t new for them. They prayed sincerely and shared dearly. “Nothing is impossible with God… What you give is what you get. So give out love instead of retaliation, and love will be given back to you… Anger management helped me (to control my temper and) not to retaliate on my upper (class). Kung namuhi ako sa upper ko, ayoko namang mangyari din sa akin yun (na mamuhi sa akin ang lower ko).”

Japan Pose
Japan Pose

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