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Everyone had a restful sleep the other night.  And everyone got freshened up for another fun-filled, exciting day with all the other delegates from different provinces together.  And of course, with our Lord!

Thank God, we’re on Day2 of the Palawan Island Conference. In every 2nd Day of our Conference we usually have classroom setup-Workshops to attend after the Opening Worship.

But this Conference, it was a different kind of Workshop for we did it out… I mean up into the mountains to plant Trees!!!

We climbed up a dump truck…

and rode it all the way to the site.

Everyone was very excited about the Tree Planting.

It was a roller coaster ride!  But everyone, I believe, enjoyed that awesome, one-of-a-kind ride!  And I can recall me saying: “The best ride in Palawan is the Dump Truck!“. =P

Thank God we arrived safe and sound at the site.  After the ups and downs aside from being lost, we were even more excited!

We started with a prayer, the proper thing to do.  To ask the guidance of our Heavenly Father for a safe activity.

Then we listened diligently to the instructions and introductions given to us.

Now our Chapter is very ready to do what we were told… that is to plant trees!!!

Here are the lovely couple Bro. Adze and Sis. Janet. =)

Sis. Joy proved that she can do more than programming.  Go, go, go! Sister! =D

Another equally lovely now married couple, Sis. Yeb and Bro. Vince preparing a hole for the tree to be planted. =)

Now Sis Kathy is shown here performing a “minor operation” which also proves she can do other things aside from being a Nurse.  Wonder if you’ll teach this also to your students. 😉

A Model/Nurse by profession, Sis Arnie, the official Explorer of our beloved Chapter, explores a different world. She performs a so-called “surgery” while striking a pose.  That’s how talented she is in this craft. =P

While me, I had a chance to have a break with the camera and planted a tree or two (did it sound kinda funny?).  This photo was taken by the Explorer.  Watta multi-tasker!!! =P

After the tiring but fulfilling event, yet we still enjoyed our moment on “The Best Ride In Palawan“!

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